May News: Eating and Drinking for Health

Getting Proper Nutrition?

Proper nutrition aids the function of the digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. It can ward off potential health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

A healthy low-carb diet should include nutrient-dense, high fiber carbs.

Know your carb content and make good food choices.

Because your metabolism slows with age, it is important that the calories we take in, are from nutrient-rich foods.

  • Healthy fats (seeds, nuts, avocados, fatty fish and vegetable oils) improve heart health.
  • Whole Grains (brown rice, whole grain cereals and whole wheat bread) reduce blood cholesterol and are a good source of B Vitamins.
  • Fiber (raw fruits and vegetables) aids digestion and helps alleviate constipation.
  • Protein (beans, eggs, chicken, fish and lean meats) strengthens the immune system and muscles.
  • Low-fat dairy foods (cheese, yogurt and milk) builds bones, teeth and red blood cell production

Remember, healthy eating will also help you maintain a healthy weight and will work wonders for your energy level.


Get Your B12

B12 is needed for a healthy nervous and cardiovascular systems. B12 is found in shellfish, beef liver, fish, bran cereals, red meat, cheese and eggs. Lack of B12 has also been associated with memory and cognitive problems. B12 deficiencies can be corrected with diet, supplements and injections.


Are You Hydrated?

Drink several glasses of water daily to stay hydrated.

Drink several glasses of water daily to stay hydrated.

The body is normally made up of 60% water which falls to about 50% in seniors. Seniors drink less water because the sense of thirst decreases with age. Secondly, aging kidneys have decreased ability to concentrate urine. As a result, seniors are at risk for dehydration.

Water Is Important to Good Health

Drink fluids throughout the day in order to avoid:

  • Memory/cognition problems
  • Constipation problems.
  • Muscle weakness and cramps

Medications may cause dehydration like some blood pressure and anti-depression medications. So, is it necessary to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily? Maybe not because other medications retain water. Also fruits and vegetables contain fluids which keep you hydrated.

Dehydration Symptoms

Dry, sticky mouth, muscle weakness, headache, sleepiness or tiredness.


COVID-19 CONCERNS? AW Health Care Offers Specialized Help

Do you need help shopping during the coronavirus outbreak?

Shop from home with your computer to save on trips to the store.

Shop from home with your computer to save on trips to the store.

The home health professionals at AW Health Care can help you order your medicines, medical supplies, groceries and necessary household items and have them delivered to you using your computer, phone or other device.

Are you living with a chronic condition and need help staying connected to your doctor?

Our trained home health professionals can help you utilize a computer, phone or other devices to attend medical telehealth visits with your personal physician. Don’t miss an opportunity to be seen by your doctor during the pandemic.

Call AW Health Care for help: 314 330-7992

Here’s a link from the CDC’s Media Library of consumer information on COVID-19


Proteins Provide Nutrition Too!

Consume more protein to lower your risk of infections, pressure sores, falls and broken bones.

Plus eating more protein and fewer carbohydrates may lose some extra pounds.

How much protein should I eat?

Women should aim for 45 grams of protein per day. Men should get 60 grams. Speaking with a dietician may be helpful.

For reference, one egg white has 7 grams of protein, 1 string cheese has 8 grams, and a can of tuna or chicken has close to 40 grams.


You Need Fruits And Veggies

It can be tough to eat enough fruits and vegetables for anyone. Growing older can make proper nutrition even more difficult. Here are some tips to get the most out of summer’s bounty of fruits and vegetables.

  • Shop Farmers’ Markets – Get out. Walk about. Take home some fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Use Herbs – Add dill, thyme and rosemary to vegetables. They are packed with flavor and nutrition. You can grow them at home, too, and have fresh herbs at your fingertips all summer.

    Bluberry shake

    Add bluberries to your favorite protein shake.

  • Get Grilling! – Marinate meats and veggies in plastic bags then toss on the grill!
  • Freeze Fruit – Don’t worry about overbuying fruit at the farmer’s market. Fruit freezes beautifully! Pack ziploc bags with fruits like strawberries and blueberries for snacks or a morning smoothie.




Don’t Forget. Memorial Day is May 25.

American Flag

Happy Memorial Day! Remember our brave servicemen.


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