December News: Trouble Sleeping?

Trouble Sleeping?

As we get older, changes to sleeping patterns are a part of the normal aging process.  Many older adults report being less satisfied with their quality of sleep and find themselves more tired throughout the day. For older adults, a good night’s sleep is important because it improves concentration and memory function and allows the body to repair any cellular damage that occurred during the day.

Sleep patterns change with age.

As you age the body produces lower levels of growth hormones, so you may experience a decrease in “slow wave” or deep sleep.  Your sleep is more fragmented, waking you more frequently throughout the night. Frequent waking causes your circadian rhythm (that internal clock that tells you when to sleep and when to wake up) to shift. You may want to go to sleep earlier in the evening and wake up earlier in the morning.  Or, you may need a nap during the day.  In most cases, these sleep changes are pretty normal and don’t indicate a sleep problem.


Encourage Better Sleep

  • Boost melatonin levels naturally by using low-wattage bulbs and turning off the TV and computer at least one hour before bed time.
  • Don’t read from a backlit device at night, like and iPad. Rather read with a soft bedside lamp.
  • Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and cool.
  • Use your bedroom for sleep. Don’t do work or watch TV in bed.
  • Limit caffeine, alcohol and nicotine. These are stimulants.
  • Move bedroom clocks out of view


The Holidays Are Here!

Let the Stress Begin!

So Much To Do…So Little Time!

  • Shopping for gifts
  • Addressing and mailing greeting cards
  • Baking cookies…Wrapping presents
  • Trimming the tree…Stuffing stockings

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Don’t get overwhelmed trying to do everything yourself.

Call AW Health Care and let us send a caregiver to help you!


Remember When: Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 1941

On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, the American Army and Navy base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy. The attack came as a surprise to the American Army and Navy and led to great losses of life and equipment. More than 2,000 American citizens were killed and more than 1,000 were injured. The Americans also lost a large proportion of their battle ships and nearly 200 aircraft that were stationed in the Pacific region. On this day we remember their great sacrifice.


Holiday Time

The holidays can often mean an increase in stress and depression. There’re so many demands like parties, shopping, baking, cleaning and visiting. This year stay active. Keep up with your exercise and healthy eating. Appreciate the good things you have now. If you are feeling low due to the loss of a loved one, accept these feelings and get help if you need it. AW Health Care can help. MO (314) 726-5600 IL (618) 344-8800.

If you need help with feelings of depression at the holidays, call AW Heath Care for help: 314 726-5600





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